Friday, 18 November 2011

A year since the last...

It's been so long since I last posted. I've missed it. I miss not having time for a lot of things in life...
catching up with friends - I spoke to my friend in Oz this was only when we started chatting we realised it had been nearly 2 years since we last spoke??? Where does the time go?
This getting dark ridiculously early really doesn't help either. I worked this morning 4am until 11.30am then came home had some lunch and a sleep - woke up at 4pm (ish)and it's pitch black! I've managed to make a start on the advent calender for my brother and his 2 favourite girls, make a veegetable soup, burn my mouth, order the blinds for the flat, watch the rest of Due Date and spend a stupid amount of time looking at Facebook! I did notice some photos from last weekend (I was Lydia at a TOWIE themed 17th birthday) and I look like a complete heffer. I'm not really happy with the way I look, I've never been that happy about it. Why is it so difficult? A close friend of mine has managed it and she years later she still looks bloody fabulous and I really admire her for it.
Maybe if I start now? 6 weeks until Christmas - to lose a few pounds before Christmas would be a lovely prezzie.

Maybe I've just talked myself into it? I weighed myself on Wednesday evening and I was 102kg. Bang on 16 stone.

This is what makes me want it.

I'll keep you updated on my progress. Any words of encouragement are welcome!!



  1. YOU'RE BACK!!!!

    Seriously just made my night! You can defo lose some weight before Christmas....2lbs a week means nearly a stone by the big day :) I'm all on board for it, I want to drop a couple of lbs myself.

    Don't leave it so long next time!!


  2. I've missed this and you! Ross is working and won't be back until 2am then I start at 4am! Tonight has been so dull! I hate the Winter! I need all the help I can get madam. Chocolate is a problem! I'm on it though, your photos are a massive inspiration. I'd like to shop for an inspirational Christmas outfit...will you help? xxx

  3. You know me...I'm always down for shopping! I've text you, but not sure the most effective way to get in contact quickly? Speak on twitter? x

  4. Great to see you're back. I haven't been blogging much either :-(
    Have you tried swimming and or running? I find the weight falls off when I regularly do those.

    Happy New Year!
