Tuesday, 3 July 2012

8 months on...

I said in my last post I would be back here more regularly but I lied...sorry. I did also say I'd lose a few pounds for Christmas but I lied... I did how ever turn a corner this year. About 8 weeks ago I well and truly decided to change my life for the better and so far I've lost 1 stone and 10 1/2 pound...haven't weighed in for about a week so that could be different by now! That change in itself has changed my whole life... I've already car-booted my entire wardrobe. Bringing with it a little shopping for new stuff on the way. I feel so much better and alive? My job is going great, so many incredible promotions including my Oreo cupcakes and Cookie Monster cupcakes! Just designed a results day cupcakes chocolate box too! Getting up at 4am, uncool...making cakes for a job, really cool. And my little Manc and I have a new addition to our family...in the shape of a VW camper! Unnamed so far...but she is a beaut and every time I drive her she makes me giddy with excitement :-D she's only been ours less than 48 hours! And in just under 2 weeks we are off to tour Europe in her. So I'm back I think, with updates of weight loss, cake making and touring Europe. Miss H I know you'll read this and I'm sorry for being shit at A) keeping in touch B) replying to text msgs C) not blogging regularly enough Please forgive me .... Tried my flick the bass t-shirt on the other day it made me smile, I miss those days! Carefree shopping, afternoon naps, drinking and partying xx